i was spinning free
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Let it be known the female had no trouble finding her own spoils in the dead of winter. In fact she prided herself on it. But there did come a time (in all individuals) when an easy meal was favored over the tedious hunt. And she was subjected to this want. For many nights she favored slipping into the holding pen and snare one of the bleating beasts for herself. An elder, perhaps. One that was better off dead as the day would have it. But it was a tricky endeavor. The pens were often guarded by those that would not be tempted by the scent of fresh meat. The russet commended these few, but deemed them fools all the same. Sooner or later they would feast upon them and know their doings after their stomachs were filled. It was only a matter of time…

And she intended to make that first kill.

She plotted in the night, waiting along the borders of the ranch for the guards to settle to sleep. But she would not strike in the night. To play the part of a burglar was unbecoming. No. If she were to be caught, it would be when light was out and there would be no mistake. She slept well with the hope of a meal in the morning, her stomach gurgling with mirth and anticipation.

But as it were, her sleep was too deep. Her senses did not rouse her until the sun had piqued to its afternoon height and the Valley was alive and bustling. The fodder went about their ways without contest from her or any other creature. The day itself of calm and carefree, but this was not exhibited by the crimson-maned female. She was furious with herself. Her plan ruined by her failure to rouse herself sooner. Zyn muted many curses on her tongue, instead lashing her tail at the ground with rage. As it were, there was no point for her to be within cover for much longer, but in her rise from her bed of snow was birthed a small hope. Perhaps the guards were not around today? Maybe her meal was not yet impossible to take. And with silver orbs brimmed with growing excitement, she slipped from her cover beneath the frozen brush and rushed upon her fine two legs to steal a glance at the innocent sheep.

All hopes were dashed in an instant. Gray stood upon the fence at leisure, minding the sheep with a carefree eye. Had Zynex been upset before, she certainly was furious now. The finer hairs along her back bristled with irritation and mild rage, not for the male in question but for herself. Her plan genuinely ruined. But, setting aside her selfish aids, her conscious mind took note of this creature. His form was unfamiliar to her, as was the scent that bathed him. Foreign as it were, were the linger trace of the Valley upon him. His composure suggested a casual nature as he lounged, obviously not fearful of punishment or accusation of being called a trespasser. A guest, perhaps? The explore in her was interested. The alien scent that enveloped him acted as the lure to draw her near. None but intrigue showed upon her face as she approached the male with purposeful strides, her eyes ever so slight alight in the afternoon glow.

Words: 563

I'm thinking about something... Be quiet when I talk. I'm just wandering

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