Grave of the Sunflowers
OOC: Table © Sace: I got into a changing tables fit. SSWM: 655

The male told him that he was insane as well. Daisuke shrugged. He couldn't say that he hadn't been called insane before. He had been called insane for climbing almost everything he could (meaning trees, cliffs, etc) when he was bored and wanted to do something that exerted energy. Sometimes he'd find an easier way, just to want to turn around and go the difficult way so he could have an adventure. It wasn't a rare site to see the male hiking in the mountains, or doing a marathon. Daisuke ignored the clearing of the other male's throat, simply because he didn't feel like pursuing it. He shrugged it off, and Schwarz looked back at the red headed wolven, watermelon orbs on the other male. Schwarz had been eyeballing the male now, wondering more about the red haired wolven. The feline had one audit pulled forward, and the other to the side, and his head seemed to be permanently positioned like that as the two conversed.

Strel crossed his arms, and said some little comment that made no sense to Daisuke really, for he might not have been so up to date on that type of lingo. The male gave the other a look, one brow cocked and the other one scrunched. It also made him cock his head again. The male then went on to make a whore joke too. At this, Daisuke forgot his confusion and he laughed heartily to the joke. Daisuke had nothing to say to it, simply because it was too ridiculous to reply to at the moment. Plus, he couldn't think of anything smart to say back to the other male. The other male went on to speak about how he needed men to think he was cute. This was after a sigh. Daisuke cocked his head to the other. I see nothing wrong with it. the male commented, shrugging his shoulders as the other male went on to speak about how he should slap a sign on him and start charging for a freak show. Daisuke gave out another laugh to the male. Hot, thawed, ghostly red-headed Strelly-poo right here! Come see the amazingness for a low price of a rock! the male mocked, pretending he was advertising the other male.

While Daisuke was lighting the fire, Strel had been looking at the pants, and then he had told the male that he had to try them on, or atleast let him put the pants up to him so he could see how they fitted on him. Daisuke looked at the male, and then considered if he wanted to actually get back up or if he was too lazy to do so. The male took a good minute to decide for himself. He decided that he would model the pants for the male. The feline jumped off of his master's shoulder, as if he knew that he would need to get down so that Daisuke would not strain to get the pants on and balance the feline on his back all at the same time. Daisuke took the pants and then stuck his right leg in to the right pant leg, his furry foot appearing at the bottom of the pant leg. He repeated this action for his left leg, and pulled his pants up to right under his tail. He twisted around as much as he could so he could see his tail and he grabbed it and stuffed it down his left pant leg. He looked back at Strel then. How's this? the male spoke, turning around, and showing the male a 360 degree look of the pants that fit him snug on the hips. His tail was cramped in his pant leg though, making his ass look fatter than it really was. He didn't button his pants, but he had zip them up as much as he could without getting his penis stuck in the zipper.


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