And I felt the blood.

OOC: OMNOM Hi! I'm a not-so-old-but-sort-of-but-not-really member! Big Grin It's fun to see the older Souls players. Tongue (PSSST He's in Lupus form) and I'm assuming he is as well, let me know if otherwise!


Although he didn't notice it at first, Inferni had grown like a child into an adult. When he first joined, Inferni was a tiny clan. But a little over a month later, it had added fifty percent more members! It was a large improvement statistically, and a very happy one mentally. Cassius had grown to be quite proud of being an Inferni member. The coyotes were surprisingly patriotic to their own causes, not question Gabriel as their leader. Even though the hybrid never met him formally, he trusted Gabriel as a leader as well. He seemed quite smart and full of leadership qualities anyways, so Cass had no right to veto. Adn even though he wasn't as violent or bloodthirsty as his packmates, he seemed to have started to share the same feelings about certain topics, such as the reason for the current war.

At the borders once again, the coyote was spending even more time around the lands and especially outside the mansion. With the luck he had at the borders recently, meeting plenty of new friendly faces, he wanted to keep his luck running. Yet again, his luck was forming a streak when an unfamiliar figure was in view. It stood at the edge of the territory, almost right inside. it looked predominantly coyote, like most in the clan, and Cassius figured it had to be another joiner. A closer look revealed it was a another male, which they had many of now. "W'hello!" he started, giving the other male a soft smile.

As he shook his body, his goggles (which were normally atop his head), wrapped loosely around his neck, flung from side to side with it. "R'ya in some need of some helpin's?" he questioned, his southern accent thick and pure, as if he was shipped right from the South only recently. "I can be 'f some assistin'."

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