Magic in december (m)

372 words.

####A look of disappointment crossed his usually stoic features as she pulled away from him, stepping away from the bed completely. He wanted to protest, to drag her back into his arms, but what she did next chased those thoughts from his mind completely. The Constable was not one for human garb, and he never did bother with it, but it looked nice on those that chose to wear it, sometimes. Ayita was one of those that could easily pull off the look of human clothing, but as she pulled the dress over her head in such a sultry manner, a small growl of lusty approval escaped him as he decided that she did look so much better without such adornments. It was a crime to cover such a beautiful body, it truly was. Of course, he would not ever tell her she could not, but he would have to make it a point to tell her she shouldn’t. She looked so lovely completely bare. But then, perhaps it was better that she stayed covered around most everyone else. Vigilante was absolutely not willing to share her with anyone.

####The doggish man complied with her body’s wishes, allowing her to push him back on the bed so that she was above him. He had no qualms about submitting to his lover, not now or ever. If they had not already professed their love to one another, he might have felt ashamed about how visibly aroused he was. Sex was not something he had ever been talked to about, it was simply something he had learned on his own, something to keep on the side, away from his job. It had always come second to his work, but now, Ayita and their love were the only things that mattered. Instead of feeling flustered by his body’s reaction to the heat between them, he simply moaned in response to her touch, a feral, guttural sound. His right hand lifted, cupping her breast gently, rubbing the tip ever so gently with his thumb, teasing her in much the same way she had been teasing him. His tongue fought with hers for dominance between their mouths, his left hand gripping the curve of her hip tightly.


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