I Want To Fall, I Want to Fall.

ooc: Table by Alli <3; That's what makes fights abit harder to do. A challenge for us both, ja? Feel free to pp a bit, I don't mind it. SSWM: 531

What if I wanted to fight?
Beg for the rest of my life!
What would you do?
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for?
I'm not running from you

The dragon hissed as the other dropped to his knees, in that split instant, each of them were open, whomever would move the fastest would be able to seize this opportunity. Daisuke was not the faster one in this situation, but he was fast enough to get himself covered enough to where he was able to become solid against the ground. His right arm was the one to block, but this did not mean that Daisuke's breath was not knocked from him. The loner's arm simply absorbed some of the blow, so most of his air would not expel. The male was bulldozed back a good foot or two before the dragon jumped back away from the other. The beast fell from his two legged stance, and the blades found their way into the icy cold snow. His fangs glared in the moonlight. His audits were still pulled back against his head, shackles raised on his back. His oceanic eyes were slitted, the pupils being as small as they could be. The dragon hissed through his ivory fangs before he lifted the blades from the ground and he flanked to the right of the other, but quickly changes pace at the last moment and went to the left, his right arm thrusting up to slash at the chest of the other. Daisuke stayed low, so he could avoid the other doing the same as he had just done.

The slithering dragon brute had jumped back almost immediately after he had tried to up-slash the other male. The anger had still been going through the veins of the male, but being a angry dragon did not stop the male from being able to fight. He came from warriors. They trained since he was able to walk and talk. Pachi turned into their master when the eldest dragon, and the phoenix (his father and his mother) had been assassinated. He naturally had the ability to fight, and many times he (as Daisuke) would ignore his father's blabbering, while the dragon would be the one whom used what he needed. Not only that but Daisuke himself had taken it upon himself to prepare himself in case he did need to fight. Anger wasn't the only thing behind this. His body would act upon what it was trained to do as well. Daisuke snarled again before he went in for a third time.

Wait...Sand? It would seem like Daisuke was looking through a barrel hole. He would be peering out, seeing the flat screen TV that would be the real world. The male would start to bang on the walls of his domain once again to be let loose back into the real world. The vision was blurry, but it was sand, and the only sand he'd see in the winter would be the pelt of his best friend. He banged to get out. The dragon would hiss and smash it's tail against the reinforced wooden wall to get his prisoner to shut the hell up while the anger was in charge. The dragon hissed outwardly to the sandy male infront of him, his arms swinging, in attempt to slice the other male anywhere he could.


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