Ordinary Riches
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Huzzah! 500+

     True, weeding out the false souls from the true ones would be no easy task. No doubt the madman had skilled actors and liars under his command. Still, Savina thought herself a good judge of others and it was easy to judge sincerity she believed. True, real sincerity was hard to fake even for the most skilled deceivers. If necessary they would make everyone who came to their lands for sanctuary swear an oath, not upon their honor, but upon something else that they would not dare break. The Commander wanted to extend help to those who sought it, but she could not risk endangering the lives she was in charge of protecting. "Yes. We will have to interview them thoroughly, perhaps even moreso than we do prospective members." In times of peace there was no reason to fear people coming to their pack for the wrong reasons, but now they couldn't trust anyone outright unless they already knew them well. Vigilance and caution would keep them alive and safe during these harrowing times.

     Savina hadn't thought for a moment that Anu had purposefully and knowingly put herself in a dangerous situation. Her friend was wise and was not a reckless wolf. She was as stable and careful as the trees that she so dearly cared for and that was why the younger woman was able to depend on her so fully. Still, love could and did make people act out of character, though she didn't think that Anu truly had understood at first how dangerous things were. If only the woman she had been pursuing had left earlier neither of them would have been put in such risk. These thoughts were only "what ifs" though, and really served no purpose. What had come to pass had come to pass and all they could do now was to learn from this and work to keep one another and all the rest that they loved safe and protected.

     It reassured the Italian fey to have her Lt. General agree to come to her again in any other situations of need. It did not matter if it were pack business for the two were first and foremost friends, nearly sisters in bond. She had never thought of her as a subordinate, only and equal and even a superior when it came to the tawny woman's age and experience in life. Savina would be there for her no matter what her need. "I am glad that you did not lose her, and also that you have found someone to once again share your heart with." She couldn't imagine what it must be like to have a relationship with a mate and lover crumble away and she wondered if it happened to her if she would ever be able to love again. Thankfully Anu had gotten to the point where she could. "I will have to meet her sometime, when circumstances permit." A smile returned to her features, momentarily putting the worries of the world behind her.


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