You know I'd do anything for you

WC: 394 // there, I did it! :>

lost into the weight of gravity

“He is the only one to blame.” Anu spoke the simple truth, and Coli shuddered in her embrace, hiding her face in the sandstone-hued fur before her. She swallowed hard, guilt swirling with self-righteous anger. It was his fault, but what had made him that way? Because her presence always seemed to bring out the worst in him, and he viewed her as such a mistake, not worthy of his bloodline or his time... Then another truth dawned on her, one she admitted haltingly to the one she loved. "I... I don't think I can blame him, though... because without him in my life, doing the things he did... I might never have met you." And that would be a greater shame than anything Haku could have done.

They were safe here. They had to be, a whole close-knit pack to defend its members, no torn loyalties or political games the way Dahlia had split itself. That pack might be doomed to crumble... Poor Cercelee, she had loved it so much in the beginning. Anu's silken whisper wafted through her thoughts, settling like a veil to mask all other feelings. She would have...? "! You have to live...! You, you raised kids... and lead a pack, and... and... your garden..." She was suddenly too distraught to prioritize what she considered the three most important things in Anu's heart.

As happy as they were together, if Coli were to vanish... Anu still had a long fulfilling life ahead of her. "You... can't do that..." Coli sniffled, lip jutted like a pouting child. She let her fingers trace the slender clavicle she was so close to, quietly marveling that she was in this woman's arms, that it was not a dream. "I'd haunt you, silly, I wouldn't leave you alone..."

Blue eyes peeked up to see the Lieutenant General's reaction, the beginnings of a smile forming on her muzzle. They had spoken of ghosts before, that misty encounter in the rain. That had been the day Coli confessed her love, and she had never regretted that. Being someone's ghost was better than nothing at all, but she would always prefer the giddy warmth of physical contact. Feeling her partner's heart beating against the pads of her fingers... it was as though the cool silence between them had not only healed, but never existed at all.


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