A letter of old, a search for a white wolf

The small seal broke and the envelope opened with ease. Gold designs decorated the paper around the letter, in blue ink were the girls words. Written elegantly was the words of her tale.

"Dear Xeris

Im sure Aria has already told you whom this letter is from. She has a good heart though she seems anti-social. Please do pay her my thanks for bringing this to you.

There is so much I want to tell you. I found my brother, his name is Vulcan Rødsol. He looks kinda like my mother except with my eyes. Hes truely nice and I hope to bring him to visit all of you, He would enjoy the Vally. Hes much like Ty, a warrior with a kind heart. Vulcan is taking me to see his village, his pack, they call themselves the Moonstalkers. However, it will be along trip there and back.

As for me, well, I've gotten much taller now, though I'm not as tall as Aria.....I'm alittle less clumsy but not by much, I've fallen off the boat a time or two (ask Laidaria, she'll tell you all about it). My scar still remains on my leg and the crew continues to ask about it. They find my tales of all of you quite entertaining. My fur is still the same unusal "sun-tint" (thats what everyone calls it, I just find it weird).

Well as for my return to Pheonix Vally, I hope to return soon and see you and your new puppies (The night I left i figured it out). Tell Ty I miss him very much and will be sending him a letter soon as well. Tell Pendzez I wish him well and I hope fatherhood treats him right. Tell Anya I hope to see her soon.

Yours Truely,

Rendall Blåsol

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