Grave of the Sunflowers
OOC: Table © Sace: I get to change my style back since i finished sswm. yey!

Get 'im while he's young and hot! No refunds or returns available! the male continued off of what Daisuke had said. It was funny enough for Daisuke to break out in another hearty laughter. the other male continued on saying "A rock, really? I didn't know you saw my worth as that little," though Daisuke was still within his fit of laughter, his eyes watering slightly as he giggled. "Surely I'm worth at least a boulder," the other male went on to say. Daisuke held up one finger, signaling that he would need another moment to respond to that. once he had calmed down enough to speak without the giggles being in the way he said: " Yeah, but how exactly do you expect me to carry said boulder to accept the payment, eh? How about we charge something like....A shiny object? the male got the idea of a shiny object by feeling his own necklace that had been around his neck. Of course though, this was all several jokes inside of one big one. Daisuke would have to say though, that this idea could become something that could actually be done, well...Until the fact that they would not really be able to turn Strel into a ghost and frozen at the same time and allow other people to see him without Daisuke looking like a total freak of nature. Even though Daisuke was a total freak of nature.

As Daisuke modeled the pants for the seamster (he would not call the male a seamstress because he obviously was not female) seemed to whince lightly at him. The male cocked his pierced audits at the other male before he picked up some charcoal, and then closed the distance between the two. Strel tugged him to turn around so The male could mark where he needed to work at. Daisuke did not struggle in the other male's grasp, simply because Strel was helping him. Daisuke flinched, and his tail base naturally tucked closer to his body, in reaction to being grabbed at. He didn't purposely do so, it was just a natural reaction for he was not used to being grabbed there. Daisuke felt the male draw a circle on his ass, and he slowly looked back at the other male, whom was looking at his butt and biting his lip before he stopped and spoke. I'm going to have to cut the waist to make it easier the male started off. That would make it easier? Daisuke would probably never understand the whole clothing thing, but he trusted the other male's judgment as if it was his own.

But I suppose I can make an extra button here so that you can just slip into the pants and button the waist hem over the tail instead of jamming the thing through a hole. the other male voiced an idea that actually sounded very very good to Daisuke. The blonde male had nodded his head rather quickly and excitedly to the other male. Aye, That sounds like it would be more comfortable. I like that idea, yeah. the male spoke, still nodding his head before he had decided that the male would need to pants now. Daisuke proceeded to take the pants off, and once he had freed his tail, he wagged it as if it was finally free of it's prison. The blondie stepped out of the pants and then handed them to the other male before he drew himself close to the other male, and licked his cheek. Thanks again for doing this for me, My dear Strelly-poo. i have to find a way to repay you for this. the male spoke, almost whispered to the other male before he drew his head back and put his hand on his chin to think. You already have a pretty smexy little necklace there, and i doubt that anything I can make would top your necklace that you have there... Hmmm... he thought out loud, pointing at the necklace that laid around the male's neck. Is there anything you can think of that you could use me for? the male asked, cocking his head lightly to the other male.


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