i know you'll look for me one day

Word Count: 565

To her, this house was a castle. The imperfections were easily overlooked with her excitement. She saw through everything that was wrong, the holes in the sheets, blankets, and curtains; the crack in the mirror, the dust everywhere. She imagined what it would look like when it was fixed up instead because it would be beautiful. She knew she would work hard with her husband in order to make it perfect, to make everything in working order, and it was just a matter of time. They had an entire village to go through later, to find things for their home, and to explore to meet other wolves. This new land, as foreign as it was to her, was just an empty canvas waiting for her to draw all over it. Soon enough, it would be like Italy and she would know it like the back of her hand. Soon enough, this would be home.

She even started to picture the spring that was coming up, the family they could start on. She had not spoken to him much about children but she could not fathom the idea that he would want none. She had always wanted children and that would not likely change. She could feel it in her soul that she was ready, even now, but with how things were going she wanted to get settled first. She could not be irrational about a decision such as childbearing. Sonja inhaled a long and cold breath, turning around as her love spoke about their home in her native tongue. It was something she loved about him and she hoped their children was just as gifted with languages as he was. His family, heavily Russian, and hers just as heavily in Italian. On top of that, they were in a land full of wolves that spoke English.

She imagined it would be difficult for the children but if they learned at a young age, perhaps it would be easy enough. And if they had Raskolnikov's genes, it would come easy for them. He was intelligent and it would pass along, Sonja was confident in that much. Her blue eyes fell on the beautiful man and she smiled. "Siamo in grado di andare in città domani per cercare le cose," she suggested with a flick of her tail, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around him in another embrace. She gingerly laid her head back on his chest, breathing in his scent. It was a lovely scent that she could never get enough of, something that held her deep attraction for him. "Scommetto che c'è così tanto che possiamo usare," she added, happiness in her voice that had yet to leave her since finding this house.

"L'amo. Voglio costruire questa casa con lei," she confessed, her voice quiet as she pulled back from the embrace and looked up to his face. "Voglio creare una famiglia in questa casa con voi," she said, opening up about the subject for the first time. Her eyes narrowed just a fraction as she caught his gaze, gauging his first reaction to her statement. She could not imagine him saying no, turning her down for something, when he had given her everything she wanted to far. Sonja had no idea what she would do if he objected and did not want the same after all they had been through.

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