your love will be

Word Count: 660

The work on the house seemed never ending. There was always something stopping them, getting in the way, or just halting the entire production all at once. The house was, for the most part, clean. She had gone through and dusted every room. She had a mental note of each repair that had been made, needed to be made, and what was being worked on at the exact moment. It was a good system, to her, and just a matter of time before they were done. Right now, they were at a halt unfortunately. They had nothing left to do with the materials they had and Sonja decided she needed to take another trip deep into the village to scavenge for materials they could possibly use. Perhaps a few more handful of nails, wood, planks, or some other things. If there was something she could not carry, she could at least put it in a safe place to inform Raskolnikov so he could pick it up when he decided to take his turn into the city.

Sonja liked to go into the village herself. It was neat, a foreign land she knew nothing about. She knew nothing about the Amish people that lived here when humans were alive. Compared to some other city ruins she had seen the humans leave behind, this village seemed to come from a time she was not aware of. It was not as advanced but it was well put together. It made her question this side of the world more than she had when she lived in Italy. There was so little she needed back then, so little knowledge at hand that she did not bother. Now, there was so much more out here for her to learn, for someone to teach her, and she was more than willing to take it on. It was a great feeling but she wondered if anyone would but up to such a task. If it did not happen, and she was left an empty pot, then she would flounder and find depression. She would come to hate this place, her decision to follow her husband, and do what she can to figure out how in the world to get back.

She shook that thought from her head as she gripped the satchel over her shoulder, walking down the now beaten path of the road, and realized there were fresh foot prints in the snow. It had snowed the night before to cover up any tracks from the previous day but now, a fresh four step print was up ahead. Curious, her head tilted and she clenched the strap of her bag. The scent was also fresh, unknown, and she advanced with a quickened speed and found the husky-sort of form up ahead. Her jaw tightened, dark lips twisted with uncertainty to this stranger. Her and Raskolnikov did not claim the entire village for herself but with as few wolves she actually knew here it made her feel a little uncomfortable. Everyone she met so far had been nice but Sonja was waiting for the one wolf that would change her opinion. She was not often pessimistic but she had to start being a little more realistic, a little more safe, and not run right up onto the first wolf she saw in order to make a friend.

Sonja lingered in the background, letting a long sigh escape and break the silence between the both of them. She wanted to get his attention but if he did not want to be bothered, she would not get in his way. She had things to look for and collect before she returned back to her mate and they could start their work on the house again. As she inhaled her lost breath, cloud of hot breath still in front of her, she shifted her weight and moved to one side of the road and waited in anticipation of meeting someone new.

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