Word Count: 319


Haruhi had to wonder what possessed her to think it was good to come out in this rain to explore the land. It was good to learn the home but surely she could have waited for the weather to become better. Oh well, she was out and about despite the dislike of rain. At least she learned the whereabouts of one of the leaders. Her ears picked up the sound of rain from behind. It was obviously still raining. She still felt nervous staying inside a leader's home without them there. Though, she focused on the present member within the den.

She didn't mind doing it herself. She was the one who used them after all. So she offered to take care of them but the golden eyed girl refused with such speed. It managed to bring a surprised look to her face followed by, "Ehh?" It was a reflex caused by Vieira. Her surprised eyes returned to their normal state as she did as well before speaking once more. "Ah, okay then." She responded. She gently placed the towels in her out reached hands. She wondered why she reacts in such a way. It really confused her. She just didn't get it.

Haruhi was unaware that she was a lower rank. She didn't think there were lower ranks than the one she currently had. Vieira was beginning to become interesting. She was a mystery to her. Her behavior was similar but she wouldn't look her in the eyes, not even once. Her voice broke her out of thought. "No, I'm fine....thanks." She couldn't ask for anymore. She had already dirtied some towels of hers. She eyed the house a bit. It was rather nice, no surprise though. It was a leader's home after all. She nervously looked to Vieira once more. She was unsure of what else to say. So she began to fidget with her own fingers.


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