My head gets so confused
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She had done all she could to care for Enzo, just as she had done all she could to care for Leafy. This time though, she hoped that he would stay instead of flying away from her. The young wolf would never do anything to keep the dove here if it didn't want to stay, but she hoped that he liked her like she liked him and that he might want to stick around and be her friend. "Thank you, I hope he is. It'd be nice if he wanted to stay with me instead of going away when he's all better." Anu had been the one to ask her if she would let Leafy go free once he turned into a butterfly and she had told her yes. She had let him go. Cambria would do the same with Enzo, if he wanted, but hopefully this time around she wouldn't be stuck behind after her services were no longer required.

It wasn't like her to be so roundabout when wanting to talk over something with someone. Anu probably knew this and most likely wondered why Cambria was going about this in the way she was. Still, this was the only way she was going to feel comfortable talking about what had happened and the feeling it had awakened in her. She needed to know that she wasn't alone in this. Well, clearly there was Lolita, but she needed someone different to talk to. Someone who really knew her and would keep their conversation in their confidence. Even if it were okay to feel the things that she felt, she didn't want everyone to know. Even if Anu was accepting, that didn't mean that others necessarily would be. Even if it were okay, it clearly wasn't the norm and she didn't want to be singled out as weird or different.

Cambi didn't know what the other lady's name was, but she assumed that the name given belonged to the one she was talking about. Her head slightly nodded, helping to confirm that this was indeed the subject she wanted to be on. There was silence, and she started to fear that she had crossed some line in asking the older wolf such a question, but finally she said that they were in fact a couple. A little bit of relief filled her, but she was still nervous. "'s okay? For girls other girls?" Her cheeks burned hot from embarrassment and she almost wished that she hadn't asked Anu to talk at all. This was all so awkward. Still, who else was she going to talk with about this? If anyone would help her through this it was the Lt. General.


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