My head gets so confused


Anu was lucky that she had a passion for things that were rooted to the ground. It was hard for them to get up and leave. Unfortunately it was quite easy for them to wilt and die, or simply not grow at all. There were also silent, and if she was not looking for someone to listen it was difficult to be the only one talking. Anu felt for Cambria, knowing how she must have felt giving up her butterfly. It was so easy to get attached to something that you had raised and tended to. Loosing it was almost as hard as loosing a family member. Anu did not know how birds took to caging and taming, and for the young wolfess she hoped that the dove became content in his new home.
“You never know, he could enjoy pack life just as we do.” The female spoke with a smile.

The turn of the conversation resulted in a turn in her expression. She was unsure how to explain her choice of relationships to anyone, and telling Cambria about it was even harder. It had been years and years since Anu realized that she found that attraction and attachment to females. It was emotional and it was physical, and the older female was finding that she still didn’t have it all figured out yet. No matter how long she lived, she wouldn’t fully understand it. Her own pups had known life with multible mothers as normal, but Cambria had not been brought up that way. She was not surprised that she might have questions, knowing that her own face was stuck in a love-struck gaze when ever in the presence of Coli. It was obvious that something was going on between the two. Anu had been expecting a few questions.

But she was happy to try to explain, and though there might be some hesitation Anu was not ashamed nor did she shy away from it. She only wished to make it understandable to the girl. Watching Cambi’s face Anu noticed that the brown hued girl was uncomfortable enough. Anu nodded herself, answering with a simple,
“Yes. Its just as okay as a male with a female or two males liking each other. “ her voice was light, her shoulders shrugging slightly in casual expression. There was nothing odd about it, though it might seem odd to some who were not used to the idea and not open-minded. But it as more common then many might think. Anu added with her normal soft tone,
“You should be with someone that you love, and that loves and treats you right.” It was never that simple, but for the moment there were enough complications. Blue eyes looked at the younger female’s face, wondering if all the angst came from just seeing she and Coli. Or if it was something else.



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