Crashed and scattered

indent He had gotten some answers. Not all of them, not the ones he wanted, but some. Laruku had gone mad—that much he could assume safely. Anything beyond that would be guessing too much. So instead, he retreated into his own existentialist crisis. It was a dark place but it was comfortable. Here, he contemplated his death, skipping rocks. Each bounce sent ripples across the water, which settled into the same placid surface it had always been. Perhaps lakes were appropriate comparisons for people, he reasoned.
indent Ahren bounced a stone in his hand, tossing it into the air, watching it fall, catching it again. He did this five times, each time thinking less of the action and more of the means of such a thing. Biology was a remarkable thing, with the cells, the blood, the nerves. On the fifth fall, the stone remained in his hand, heavy and smooth. He studied it for a long time, then looked across the lake and hurled the rock, watching it bounce once, twice, and sink beneath the surface.


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