it's trouble and it's in our road


Some blood lines were rumored carrying madness and inner decay. Haku had always been alone on this path, though he had never truly questioned the nature of his darkness until this very moment. Larkspur came from another world. There were no black or white, no hidden signs that Haku could have followed. It had just always been and his family had always been unaware of the dark hole that evolved within the boy with the beautiful blue eyes. How his mother had found the truth he could not even start to guess. She was the only one that knew though. So few had noticed and now when the beast slowly revealed itself to the world it was too late. Cercelee had been foolish to let him roam about under the protection leaders automatically received by being on the top of a pack hierarchy. Haku had committed a disgustingly high number of sins and the world did not even know!

Larkspur spoke of laws and the chocolate coated male gritted his teeth visibly. This was unknown territory for him and the man’s limited imagination struggled hard to picture a community where the dark matter that festered in the heart of those worthy to be possessed was well known. There were rumors of de le Poer and Lykoi in ‘Souls, but that was it. What became of the black wolves in Larkspur’s homelands? ”And what becomes of the evil there?” the man questioned darkly; actually interested. Larkspur offered sweet fairytales, though he could not consider them anything more. He knew not whether or not his own sickness would or had infested the offspring he had brought into the world. The demon had been given to him by an ignorant mother; it had not been granted him by birth.

He knew there were things he could not yet see with these mortal eyes. It would come though.

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