Things Unknown

Hi this sucks and I used some pp Sad, let me know if you want it changed.

Haku nearly always chose cruelty before kindness. The blood was spreading and he could see it by the reaction in the white male. A sadistic grin crossed the man’s face – rare though true felt. It seemed the white man lost the remaining amount of self control and Haku reveled at the primal self defense mechanism that started to send orders to the white wolf’s brain. He pushed against the Dahlian member and felt teeth draw lines on his skin and damage his flesh. He resisted a maniac’s laughter and greedily snapped out after the primitive wolf again – more than happy to mingle more of their blood just to see the other writhe in agony. Red eyed shadows floated closer to revel in the presence of blood. As both wolves received fresh cuts scattered mainly around their fronts, Haku eventually managed to grab a proper hold of the man’s ruff and pushed the wolf down with his heavy secui frame. Minos’ fur had spots of pretty pink and he felt a warm rush embrace his nonexistent heart. Beautiful.

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