your heart is my sky


It had not been his intention to wander this close to the Chance woman’s home, but now when he was here he saw no reason not to check out the development to the only surviving child in Tokyo’s litter. He sometimes thought of the foolish name that the woman had given the child and wondered if there existed a disguised challenge behind it. Was this a foolish test? Little King was merely mortal – this had been plain to see when his father had eaten his dead and dying siblings. Unlike his brothers and sisters he had been strong and large and blue eyes saw that the child only grew stronger each time he saw the small form. He stood and watched mother and son for a little while before he decided to head down to the couple. When the active child’s eyes turned to the approaching Rosen, it struck Haku that he had not realized that the child had inherited his unique blue eye colour. He found that he disliked that fact despite that it meant nothing.

Haku’s main attention rose to the mother and he dipped his head in quiet greeting. ”Tokyo” He even made enough effort into granting her a small smile, though it was gone before it ever managed to settle on his scarred face. ”How are you and how is our son doing?” As usual there were no appearances of his actual indifference in his voice, no, only kindness was allowed in her presence. Tokyo needed to be dealt with differently because of her big mouth. He would simply have to try to keep her somewhat.. content.

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