You find out who your friends are



OOC stuff here


Chilled ivory paws carried the Dauphine through the snow at an ever quickening pace. Soleil had been forced to stop his game of 'catch the tail' in order to keep up with his canine caretaker. As far as the blind fae was concerned she knew that Jac was very close. His scent was overwhelming, although that could have been because she was focused on it intently, knowing wherever he was would be a warm place. Her diligent search was suddenly rewarded as the familiar voice of the King bellowed out over the wind. She was to come inside when she reached his home, and judging from the quick nature of his call Jacquez was now back inside, hiding from the weather. "Come along, Soleil, we're nearly there," she urged the feline as she increased her trot to a slow gallop, her slender form floating over the white landscape towards the sound of Jac's voice. In a matter of moments, she was on his doorstep. Out of sheer necessity, the petite Border collie shook her pelt, dislodging all of the small ice crystals that had built up and scattering them across creation, some of them hitting the door with a gentle clatter. Soleil mimicked Ruri and shook his pelt before quickly following Ruri through the open door. "Well, here I am, Jac," she greeted, pausing to shift to her optime form before coming all the way into the house. Once sure that Soleil was inside, she shut the wooden door with a gentle kick of her foot. "I hope you don't mind, I brought my cat along with me, or rather, he followed me. I've missed you so much, Jac! How have you been?" she inquired, quietly strolling up, arms outstretched to hug her dearest, closest friend. It had been a couple of weeks since she had last seen Jac, and the period of separation had disturbed her terribly. Though she was spending lots of time with Heath, there would always be a part of her that needed contact with Jac. She had been forced by weather and other circumstances to go without that much needed contact for far too long. Normally not seeing Jac for so much as a single week would send Ruri into a frenzy of worry. Her relationship with Heath had led her to worry a little less, but still she would need to spend at least the rest of the day with Jac, to make up for lost time.


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