old faces, new places

Does not!

The man likewise drank in the appearance of his dear childhood friend, noticing every subtle quality of her face and her golden gaze. The Amaras had been an extended family to him for as long as he could remember. He had been born just two moons before Asha had been and the two had become fast friends such as pups are wont to do. They had spent countless days together playing and roughhousing until the tragedy had hit their home and forced the split of the tribe into two separate parts. Those days had sobered him significantly and set him on the path of becoming a hunter and provider for the tribe. He wanted to be useful and someone that his family could be proud of. He had missed Asha and her father dearly, but even the last time she had come the decision had not been easy. It meant leaving behind his parents and younger siblings, which was not something the Utina had done lightly. Still, he had felt that he could be of more help here, and so he had come.

Asha dismounted and as she walked up to him the pace of his tail matched the pace of her's. It was always exciting to be reunited with someone you had so many fond memories with and such a close bond to. Still, those weren't the only feelings the compact female stirred in his heart he was somewhat ashamed to say. Nayati was an upstanding individual though and so he did his best to push those feelings to the shadows of his mind and focusing on the friendship. She may have been able to stifle her laughter at her comment, but he had not. A jab like that coming from someone he didn't know might have angered him, but Asha had the privilege of teasing him. "That had a good deal to do with it, I can't deny. You made this place sound amazing, though I'll have to look around and make sure you weren't lying," he said with a quick wink. He knew that she hadn't been lying, but he had to play along with their game.

His friend's apparent surprise at seeing the Guide of her father made Nayati think back to the past to remember if he had ever seen the eagle before and he could not say that he had. He knew some people's Guide's chose to hide themselves, but Onawa was almost always in full view and so he forgot that other Guides were not so forthright. The male realized now that this was a special treat he was witnessing that was even special to the man's daughter. But Dawali had joined them and all their attention was back to the reunion of the three AniWayans. If possible, his smile grew even more at Asha's confirmation that things here were well. "That is good to hear, it would have brought my heart sorrow to learn that you had faced strife here." Not all were so accepting of their lifestyle and he would have felt enormous guilt if there had been attacks on them when there were so few of the tribe here. Thankfully, though, that did not seem to be the case and with the Kalona's hand on his shoulder it renewed his faith that coming here had been the right choice.

Nayati chuckled at Dawali's probing just and nodded his head. "I have indeed come to help you hunt. Perhaps I will need to whip your members into shape, eh? Though I am sure they must possess other skills, even if they hold no gift for the bow." Nobody was good at everything. Nayati was certainly a loss at making anything artful or pretty. His fingers were too clumsy for such endeavors. His hands were meant for the bow, other's hands were meant for other tasks. Givhita landed upon the older males shoulder and as her keen eyes watched him the hunter bowed his head in respect and deference to the Guide. Onawa's own eyes looked up to the eagle curiously, the tip of her tail flicking from side to side. "That sounds great, I cannot wait to see how the tribe here looks." As Dawali moved to lead the way Nayati flashed his grin back to Asha again before setting his hand on Iye's neck for a moment as a silent command to follow.


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