reading rainbow

ooc- Sorry it took me a couple of days <3. Had one of those runs where my sleeping schedule got all screwy xX. Wooo this turned out long! XD

word count: 732


Cerridwyn had not expected to find herself wandering out of Phoenix Valley so soon after being welcomed in. One would assume that she would thoroughly explore what was now her home territory before prancing off to explore the surrounding territories. It wasn't that she didn't care for Phoenix Valley, or that she didn't want to see the whole territory. It was that she was on a mission, though to see her walk slowly through the barren forest, chocolate eyes alighting on this and that, one would think she was simply exploring. She was searching for something, though she didn't quite know what. What the tri-color wolf-dog did know was that she needed to be deeper in the forest before she found it.

In her old home, she had kept dozens of random objects, things that would seem to be of no real value. Oddly colored stones, dead butterflies, particularly interesting sticks or leaves, that sort of thing. It was items in this line of thinking that she was looking for, just any random bit of this or that which might pop out at her. Random debris like this which others might never even take notice of often either held power or were otherwise useful in rituals or spellwork.

The beads in her mane rustled gently as she walked quietly over the snow, her leather purse (lifted from the cabin she'd been taken to her first day; no one seemed to own the thing and she didn't think it would be missed), looped around her neck and one arm, whispering against her ivory hip. Rounding a particularly large, leafless maple, she smiled softly as something caught her eye. It was nothing but a branch, laying half-covered in snow, but it was the perfect size and she liked the pattern of the birch wood from which it was composed -- plus birch meant rebirth, renewal, new beginnings, and she thought this was fitting. Cerridwyn picked it up, brushed the snow from it, and whispered a soft thanks to Danu before stripping the smaller twigs from it. It stood just four inches above her eight-and-a-half-foot frame, and fit snugly in her hand. In addition, the top of the branch split into a near-symmetrical V, which meant that it could be used as a stang, and the saddled female liked this idea very much. She would cleanse and bless it when she returned to her thicket.

For good measure, she stripped a good bit of bark from another fallen branch and slipped it into her pouch. Birch was good for healing rituals, and when ingested the inner bark was a decent pain reliever, and she would be well to keep it on hand until she found some willow. She already had a pretty good stash back in her bush, but she continued to collect it as she could. This done, the collie-mix continued on, using her soon-to-be-stang as a walking stick. Before long she made it to the center of this particular territory, though she wasn't aware of this. She breathed deeply the scent of the almost-frozen water; there must be a lake nearby. Cerridwyn continued in that direction. Bodies of water tended to hold interesting knick-knacks.

She never would have seen the wolfess sitting on the bank if she hadn't scented her first; the stranger's fur was the perfect silvery-white to blend in with the snow around her. Another shifter, she sat hunched over something, though what it was Cerridwyn could not see for she was approaching from the rear. The area must be rife with shifters, and this never ceased to astound the backwater canine. She still burned with questions about this topic, but had yet to encounter anyone whom she trusted enough not to think her crazy or naive for asking such things.

She circled around so as to approach this female from the side; it was rude to appraoch a stranger from behind, not to mention dangerous in some cases, though she didn't think it would be in this one. Within feet of the female, she paused, leaning on her birch staff. "'Ello there," she intoned softly, her lilting accent lending a sing-song quality to her words. The white woman had an object on her lap which she seemed to be studying intently. Cerridwyn nodded her masked face toward the object. "Wot is it ye've got there, iffen y'dont mind my askin'?"

table credit titmouse


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