You know I'd do anything for you

loved your reply :3

She had been restless when Colibri was living in Dahlia. Her mind was rarely centered, her thought always drifting. Anu would find it hard to begin a thought without thinking of Coli first, but now that she knew she was here, under the roof that Anu helped hold above them all, she could know that she was safe. But it was not just the unknowing and the distance. The words her love spoke were true to the elder Dreamer. Her heart had been else where those days, away from its owner and in a land that could not be trusted. But now, they were all home. In the security of a place that Anu could trust, a place she could defend and protect. With her heart here, finally, seen in the liquid eyes of the brown wolfess Anu could feel its beat refreshed. Reformed and absorbed in this woman, fragile in body and gentle in voice her power could easily break the knitted organ Anu willing gave her. But Anu trusted that she would not allow it to crack as she did her very best to keep what Coli gave her whole and well.

Anu felt the kiss ignite as she pressed her lips against Colibri’s, her breath lost and eyes slowly closed as the beat in her ribcage stopped. The air caught in her chest, the touch of Coli’s palms radiating warmth as they touch her sides and traveled to her back. They erased her thoughts, and there was no past of serrated memories that would cut her always, and there was no indeterminable future. And there was no hesitation in the female, no falter in her movements as she erased any space that lingered between them. How Anu had longed for this simple embrace, and as she wished to feel the pressure of her hands against the small of her back Anu leaned inward instead, her hand moving fluidly from the cream hued cheek to her silk chocolate mane. Fingers lost in the long fur, Anu became acutely aware of every inch of the younger female’s body. The soft muscle of their thighs touched and Anu broke their kiss, softly retreating from her lover’s lips and taking in the warm air the existed between them in a needed breath.

Lips parted. Eyes looked into the blue skies of her world. There was nothing that she wanted more, nothing that she had ever wanted more. Wordlessly she wished to tell the female what love meant. Since the moment they had met Anu had wanted to share her desire. Pale arm moved under Colibri, cradling her back as the other moved away from the silk of her mane to explore the gentle curve of her waist, her soft fur velvet against the sensitive tips of her fingers. Looking away from her face Anu kissed her jaw lightly, fingers trailing downward as her lips fell to her slender neck. They felt her hip as Anu grew eager to know more of her, letting them wander to the base of her tail, careful not to touch the sensitive wound. Her own heart sounded in her ears, a hammer against cloth. Anu felt the rush of Coli’s quickened beat in the pulse that lived just beyond her lips.



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