Let's see how far we've come!
wc: 572 // pp'ed them walking, hope that's alright. <3 Jac's so silly. We can continue this thread if you'd like, or fade to black. Welcome to 'Souls, both of you! Big Grin

"Oui, certainement, we shall speak as we walk," he said agreeably, acknowledging the weather and his packmate's concerns at last. He rested his hand lightly on Orin's damp shoulders, encouraging her to follow at his side as he led the wayfaring siblings into his coastal kingdom. They could warm up and dry off indoors, and he would even listen to their sailing anecdotes if they tired of hearing about how great he was. He gave a small nod to Firefly, implying that she should accompany the taciturn brother. She liked entertaining men, did she not? Rather than being jealous that he had found a new admirer, she should be focused on more productive things.

"Sadly, yes, our magnificent journey ended on a most unfortunate note. But I have come to learn that some of the crew not only survived the cruel ocean, but went on to form a settlement of their own further north - if you know the names of Séraphine or Rogue, they are among the troupe." His dark eyes gleamed as he smiled, bridling with pleasure that this newcomer had such a vested interest in his life and accomplishments. She would fit in well here, in their melting pot of cultures and races. "And lest I forget, my dear sidekick Ruri Aceline, she is my second-in-command. I am certain she would enjoy meeting you, I will have to introduce you!" His tail waved merrily behind him, his own enthusiasm buoyed by Orin's. What an auspicious encounter!

He caught Niro eying him curiously, and shot him a cheery wink. "My arm, well, that's quite a tale - I'm surprised it wasn't penned down amidst your chronicles! You see, it was some years ago, before many knew my name and fewer still followed me. They were dark times in the south, strays going missing without a trace, and never enough food to go around. My noble heart could not bear to see my fellow canines suffering so, and I vowed to uncover the mysterious oppressor." His dramatic voice echoed slightly from the cliff walls they passed between, dulling once it reached the muting blanket of snow beyond the coastline.

"I waited in the dark one night, hoping to catch the kidnapper in person - but I could not believe my eyes when I saw the brute! It was not a man as I had assumed, but a massive serpent, a swamp snake that was gorging itself on prey and predator alike! It turned its devil gaze on me when it heard my breathing, and quick as lightning, its fangs had already closed around my arm...!" He bared his teeth with feigned ferocity, inventing the story as he went along. In truth, he had no memory of the event - he just enjoyed wowing acquaintances with his tall tales. It was different every time.

"I couldn't let the beast devour me, not when it would continue to feed upon my southern brothers and sisters! So I fought tooth and nail, tearing that horrible serpent into a hundred pieces. I thought when I killed the snake, it would release my arm, but alas, in its death throes, it bit my arm clean off at the shoulder. I had given my limb to save my people, and that was when they first crowned me their king." He smiled triumphantly, pleased with the dramatic fable. It sounded worthy of a book, did it not?

Table by James and Mel!

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