Nothing I've Ever Known

Thanks for starting! +3

The bed on which Silas slept was much different than the one in the hotel room of Halifax. The bed, at one time, must had been quiet grand in the scheme of things, but was now dilapidated and no longer the focal point. The king bed frame had four posts, but they had been knocked away, leaving sharp, broken wooden ends. As Silas grew older and taller, he’d have to sleep more at a diagonal to accommodate for his entire body. But as it was now, the bed was plenty large enough to hold him and one other body should that situation ever arise. Already, Silas had conjured up images of Anatoliy spending nights in Inferni as a guest.

Clawed fingers pulled torn denim shorts up to the boy’s waist as Silas got himself up for the day. He had begun to wear more clothing since his arrival here, having graduated from wearing solely the blue bandana around his forehead. Accompanying the torn denim jeans was a black vest which he left unfastened. The bandana was already haphazardly tied amongst his onxy locks and so he deemed himself ready. Leaving the door ajar, the Russian made his way out into the hallway of the mansion, and down the stairs to the first floor.

He knew that Halo lived in the mansion with him, even on the same floor. But with the war raging with Dahlia de Mai, Silas had seen less and less of the Hydra. Sometimes he’d hesitate just outside her door in hopes of hearing movement inside, but it didn’t seem as if she was around whenever the youth happened to be. It made him slightly nervous – he didn’t want anything to happen to the girl with such horrible people out to harm anyone in Inferni they could get their hands on.

Thoughts of war were pushed aside for now, though, as Silas went towards one of the doors leading outside. He’d travel by Halifax today perhaps if the snow wasn’t coming down too thick and visit his small family that had collected there. A clawed hand extended to the door, turning the knob and swinging it inwards to reveal the outdoors. "Ohh," Silas chimed, not expecting to find someone on the other side. It was a face that was unfamiliar to him, but Inferni had seen an influx of new members recently, so he wasn’t too worried. "Coming eenside?" The Russian took a step to the side to allow her to pass, all the while holding the door open.

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