
Word Count: 300

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

He was restless. Winter had taken its toll on the weight that was never releasing his shoulders, always lying on top of him and forcing him downwards. To him, it had all started with Ember, unsettling him, and he had never recovered. Occasionally, his thoughts went back to that event, and wondered whether there were things he could have done otherwise, then, and after, in his relation to the female. Every time, he ended the line of thought with a sigh and the shake of his head, and an escape in the form of physical exasterbation had risen out of his usual chores. Now, he allowed his legs to carry him around and around the borders to a near obsessive extent. Every day, several rounds around it, and so far it had proved fruitful in many ways. He had found a way to ease his mind, for when the pains of the flesh and achings of muscles grew prominent enough, he had no energy left to adress his worries. Problem solved.

His nostrils picked up the scent of a stranger, and his legs turned in the direction of it automatically. Many strangers had appeared along his borders lately, some familiar to him, some strangers, but all were positive surprises. Some of those he had allowed to live among them had yet to prove themselves completely to the Chief, but he had faith in them. It didn't take him long to come closer to the stranger, and he smiled as he approached him, waving his hand gently in a greeting. Once close enough for conversation, the red wolf male introduced himself, and inquired for the male's purpose here. "Greetings. These borders belong to the tribe of AniWaya, one which I am the Chief of. Have you come seeking anyone in particular?"


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