on a need to know
Going to sligh PP Amara instead of making a pointless post.

Ayita watched her daughter talk and then eat. She wasn't going to let the child stay in the room much longer she wanted to finish talking to Firefly. Adult to Adult. looking at her daughter not even finish the small amount she looked at her. "Why don't you go and see if you can aroused your brother." She said looking at the girl. "Go on now and stay in your room." She said as she returned her attention to Firefly.

She wasn't about to start the conversation until she was sure that her daughter wasn't snooping. Tilting her head back to the hallway she noticed Amaranth still looking. "Now." Ayita said as the girl finally went in. "Now firefly what was it you wanted to ask?" Ayita said. "I'm sorry but I really didn't catch the question before Amaranth appeared.

She looked at the remaining scraps on her daughters plate and ate them she was quite hungry not really eating a lot had been a big problem this past week. Not like she looked bad off she just wasn't that hungry.

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