steppin' up the production line.


In Character

Though Gabriel had read medical books, they were essentially first aid guides. He knew very little about mental illness, though by all accounts, he should have. His family was riddled with illness, himself included. Had anyone been able to sit him down and given him an education regarding such things, it would become apparent that his own mind was far from healthy. Of course, Gabriel attributed such incidents to the Voice of God, and he did not understand his paranoia or trauma enough to identify it. For him, these things were not out of the ordinary, and he accepted them readily. Cotl, on the other hand, had been so brash it had startled his senses completely. Anselm’s description of his brother made the Aquila quirk an eyebrow, missing a large part of what the golden male meant, but indeed understanding enough to get it.

Gabriel was about to laugh when he instead found the sound catching in his throat, finding that incest did push a boundary he was uncomfortable with. His jaw tightened and he frowned, amber eyes darkening. They did not lighten as his cousin attempted to lessen his concern about opium eaters leaving Inferni weakened. Like it or not, Gabriel trusted the hybrid enough to let him take charge of the issue, and should he find a problem the Aquila was certain it would reach his ears. Finding this good enough, he focused his attention instead on the task at hand.

Anselm’s display was enough for Gabriel to understand, and once the length of pipe was cut he took the offered saw and settled down to work on the PVC. As the motion began, he found it initially very unusual, but becoming easier as he went. Of course, the dull ache in his left shoulder, currently sawing away at the plastic, was enough to warn him he wouldn’t be able to do this for long. “Hope this works out,” he said between strokes. “This is pretty rough.” Especially on his bad shoulder.

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table by sie

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