ARCHIVE HIGHLIGHT: Question about Multiple Threads
[html]There are some people who will timestamp their posts in other games, though I don't think I've seen that here. Like... say they start two threads in the same day, they'll put in the first post "This one happens at 8:30 am" and "This one happens at 12:30 PM" or just "this one is morning" and "this one is at night." Time in the matter of hours and minutes is generally less important here.

Usually if I start two threads, I'll just kind of... make it clear In Character that one occurs at a specific timeframe--like, I'll explicitly state in one that it's nighttime or whatever, but I don't feel the need to actually throw the times on there in most cases. It is far more common for threads to be "datestamped" though, if the thread is supposed to be forward or backdated.

Others have already covered backdating and all that, but just remember with backdating, but it's generally not a good idea to forward or backdate more than about a month. I don't think this is set in stone anywhere, but yeah, if you try to backdate a thread to 3 years ago, it'd be far better off in the Lascivio forum.

For one, it can be incredibly annoying to play what feels like a dated thread--and in my experience going too far backward in time can make that happen faster with a thread. Going too far forward in time is just weird because you don't really know what could happen between now and then. It could turn out that the other character you're threading with in "three months from now" IC time, that the character has already been killed off, which makes the thread absolutely nonsensical. XD;

So... yeah! I hope this wasn't too convoluted and useless. :X[/html]

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