
Hehe, joining threads are a priority, that's why!

I would like you to consider some aspects of your post: when the pack is called "AniWaya", it is grammaically wrong to write "the AniWaya". It would be the same as saying "the America", you see? But what you could write, is the same sentences, but without the "the". Also you should differ between spoken dialogue and inwardly thought dialogue (in the post you have both between "these symbols" which can be confusing to the reader). To better mark the spoken words, for example, you could write it like this: [b]"Spoken text"[/b]. Then it's bolded, and much easier for us to distinguish from the rest of the text, and the thinking Smile

Word Count: 314

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Dawali, having already guessed the male's purpose, nodded as he usually did and waited a moment before he replied. He studied the male, trying to find clues as to which skills or professions the other could have. Sometimes, the physique and general appearance of someone could tell him a lot; it was, for example, quite easy to see from his own appearance that he was active, that he was nimble, and that he was careful about what he did. Such clues was what he searched for in the other, but it was hard to tell when someone was a complete stranger. The only thing he could tell with absolute certainty was that he had traveled for some time, as he appeared hungry and fatigued. A growl from Echo's stomach confirmed this, but Dawali did not comment on it. Some found such things embarrassing, and he was not out to embarrass anyone. "I see. A place in our ranks could be offered; what skills do you have to offer us in return?" Growing more and more formal with strangers at the borders, Dawali wondered if it was all of him that was growing sterner with age, or if it was the recent stress that was tugging at him. He couldn't know, but time certainly would tell.

Echo mentioned he had a friend with knowledge on the tribe, and Dawali's ears perked upwards with interest almost instantly. So, he had a friend from these regions? If this was someone who had stayed in AniWaya, Dawali would surely know them, and well. Smiling politely, Dawali was deeply curious, and his hands moved in vague patterns as he continued to ask the male about this "friend". "You have a friend from here? Perhaps I know him — what is his name?". Openly curious, Dawali's face expressed this willingly, but he endured the wait from question to answer with patience.


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