whisper of the heart

OOC: lol! also I find it way too amusing that Coli finds Savina intimidating XD 300+

     Savina perhaps took the way that the majority of the pack reacted to her for granted. So many of Crimson Dreams had been there since the beginning and even before, when Twilight Vale had still occupied these lands, that they knew how casual things were around here. She didn't think about how deceptive the way they chose to title themselves were, how the same ranks had been used as human military ranks. Crimson Dreams was about as far from an army as things could get. Sure, they expected the respect of one another, but not to such a strict degree or measure. But it was for these reasons that she found Colibri's reaction to her presence so surprising. It was as if the girl viewed her as some frightening, imposing figure and Savina did not see herself in that way at all. Still, she remembered Anu telling her that Colibri was shy. If her horrible father had been one of the people in charge in her last pack it made sense that she would be wary of the Commander. Still, her smile only grew warmer and her tail waved slowly behind her, showing the timid wolf there was nothing to fear.

     "Good afternoon to you as well." Her emerald orbs looked quickly to the frozen foliage that was held delicately in the other's hands before returning her gaze back to her face. "You're Colibri, right? I'm Savina. I hope you're settling into Crimson Dreams well." She had little doubt of it, with the Lt. General there to care for her and love her. Still, if she hadn't really acquainted herself with any of the other pack members she could feel a little uncomfortable. Some people weren't so outgoing and personable as the Italian woman was and she saw much of her own chocolate daughter in the woman before her. It made her heart go out to the poor thing even more than it had originally and she wanted to make sure that Coli felt accepted and safe here.


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