You find out who your friends are



Goofy post, but the thought occurred to me that Jac would look cool with a long, wool trench coat or cloak of some kind. I imagined him walking around in a large, burgundy coat of some kind. I think he would look rather neat. He could be both the sun king and the snow king!! Just a thought

WC: 559


The feeling of soft cloth being laid across her shoulders followed by the strong arm of Jac pulling her to his chest made Ruri smile. Her slender arms wrapped around him, at least as far as they could reach, and hugged him as tightly as they could. Inhaling deep, Ruri absorbed the scent of her dear friend simply because she enjoyed the smell so much. One could be certain that the silver and ivory Border collie would never tire of Jacquez's presence. He was familiar, and therefore comfortable for her. Having been separated from him so long led her to realize how much she still depended upon him, even with Heath taking up her life. It was likely she would always need the two of them in order to be whole herself. Jac and Heath, though they seemingly only tolerated each other, were both essential parts of the delicate blind girl's life. Without one, she was incomplete.

With Jac's comment about the snow, a puppish giggle escaped her lips. Jac would always hate the cold. He was the sun king after all. "I know it's not all that pleasant, but you'll never get used to it if you're never out in it. I mean, I usually wear clothing of some sort, but my fur has already started to thicken up a bit, can't you tell?" She ended with a question, wondering if Jac would be able to distinguish the new, fluffier quality to her feathery fur. While visibly it did not look different at all, Ruri had begun to notice that it took longer for her to start shivering when she was out in the snow. That fact, combined with the fact that she usually had clothes on to keep her warm had made it easier for her to stay active during the winter months. She was able to go on longer walks, and visit more of her friends that way. When Jac warned her that she should not travel in the snow so much Ruri took on a more serious look, if only as a gesture of mock sternness, "Jacquez Trouillefou, you are being silly. You know that if you would just put some clothes on you could wander about in the snow, just like I do, without getting the least bit cold. Why, if you asked Firefly I'm sure she'd take you to one of those old buildings in Lunenberg where they have all of those nice things. Maybe if you found a nice long coat or could be your royal coat. I mean, think about it. If you had something to wear to keep yourself warm you could spend more time doing fun things around Cour des Miracles and less time couped up in this cabin," she finished, smiling playfully. Her air of mock seriousness had faded long before her proposal was finished. As much as Ruri enjoyed staying indoors and enjoying the warmth of her own home, she had a need to venture out at least once a day. Her lifetime spent with the king told her that he was the same way and that staying indoors all the time was likely driving him crazy. She was sure there were lots of things that he wanted to do but his own obstinacy regarding the wearing of warmer attire was preventing him from doing them.


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