it's all bittersweet


As Firefly's fingers held onto his extended hand he felt both hope and dread. As long as she held onto him he would keep her awake, he could gauge her strength through the strength she used to hold onto his hand. Still, it was so unlike her to accept such help and comfort. She was a strong, fiery, independent woman and to see her in such a weakened and terrified state struck at the very core of him. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. None of this should have happened. As she spoke his fingers squeezed her's in a reassuring manner. "I promise." He would promise whatever she needed him to promise. With those words though he also promised vengeance. Someday he would make those Dahlians pay for what they had done to her and he would show no mercy. They had shown none to her. He would bring a quick end to their wicked lives with his blade, even though they deserved to suffer and linger. This crime would not go unpunished, this he sworn to her as well as himself.

Haven's whole attention was focused on Firefly, letting the healer do whatever it was that she needed to do. The quick action of the other woman's hands being jerked in front of him made him jump, but then his bi-colored ears tuned into her instructions and quickly took the herbs with his free hand. He mused for a moment on how best to get Firefly to take them and carefully rolled them up so they were as compact as he could make them. He moved the hand with the herbs to her mouth, gently placing them in. "This won't taste good, but you have to eat these Firefly. These will help." He didn't know how they would help, the healer hadn't told him, but he wasn't about to waste time by asking unnecessary questions. He only hoped that Firefly still had the wherewithal to take the medicine offered without trouble.

The Knight watched nervously as Alaine administered to his aunt, but his attention was soon diverted to the entrance of the King. For once, there were no bawdy jokes or boisterous pronouncements coming from their exuberant monarch. Thankfully, for once, he realized the gravity of the situation that was unfolding before him. Haven stared hard at Jac for a moment, and when he stayed in the doorway and made no move to come forward he spoke. "Come here. She needs you." His voice brooked no argument. Firefly had said that she needed him and he would do well to finish the short walk to her side. Haven's fingers rubbed comfortingly over her's, his gaze returning to look down on her face.


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