Respect your neighbour - mandatory
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I might as well join this Smile

WC: 601

The young she-wolf strode nervously through the impressive village, her tail low between her legs and her eyes flitting about with fear. As soon as she heard the howl that beckoned her to her chief, Yumiko had ventured forth from her explorations of the packlands into the main village. She had avoided the area until then, afraid to meet her new pack members. Unusually for her she walked in her Optime form, giving her a higher vantage point on the area. The huts were impressive and numerous; she vowed to get one for herself one day. Maybe she would build one when the meeting concluded. Speaking of the meeting, what was it possibly about? That... war she had heard talk of? She shuddered as she strolled along and picked up her pace in the unfamiliar streets. A war... if she was called to fight she didn't think she could stomach the violance. She might have to leave her newfound tribe. She just couldn't harm another, not unless one she loved was in danger. Not after seeing everthing she'd seen.

Despite the unfamiliar area, the layout of the village was simple and straightforward and she soon found her way to the cerimonial grounds. Following her ears more than her sight, she heard talking and the sound of the one voice she had heard in these lands; her Chief Dawali's. She liked the male, and appreciated all her had done for her by accepting her and giving her another chance. Yumiko's eyes widened as something of importance surfaced in her mind; she was going to ask for another position within the tribe. She knew it was rushed and perhaps uncalled for, but she felt useless just wandering and with little purpose. She wanted to become some sort of healer, to put her talents to use. With her mother's teachings under her belt, she would prove herself and maybe even charm a mate with her skill.

The town hall loomed ahead, visible despite the mild fog and horrific drizzle. She shook her fur and brushed a droplet from her snout, just as it reached her nose. How annoying. I really hate Winter. She thought miserably. As Yumiko's nose caught whiff of Dawali, she noticed that she was not the first to arrive. Two females and a male surrounded the Chief, awaiting the start of the meeting. Was that all of the pack? Was this why she was accepted so readily? Breaking into a quick trot, Yumiko ran up to the others with her heart fluttering. New wolves; she was nervous. Slowing to an easy stop, she looked up at the tall, rather imposing Chief a few feet away. "Hello, I hope I haven't missed anything." She said softly, her eyes smiling. Feeling no need to ask how he had been, as she had seen him not long before, she turned gracefully and sat beside the white male on another boulder. Out of the corner of her eye she peeked at the others and found them all waiting paitiently for their Chief to speak.

Yumiko put her hands in her lap and tucked her tail around her thigh, content for the time being. The rain had peetered off, becoming the slightest of snowfalls, and her fur was slowly drying out. She would wait until the meeting was over, and then talk with her newfound Chief about a more meaningful position. What then?... Perhaps find a nice place, near the village and close to the river, that was calm enough for her to build a hut and start a new life. She would find peace here, at last.


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