OOC: thanks for wanting to help, if the post is too hard to respond to just tell me and I'll change it.

For the first time in months, the gray-white wolf was in her Optime form, re-adjusting herself to it's shape and new, higher field of view. Being unaccustomed to the way her body moved in this form she walked around slowly, and kept her gaze searching her surrounding to make sure she wasn't in danger (even though it wasn't exactly helping her keep her balance or add to her much lacking grace). As her gaze went over the surroundings, her foot caught on an exposed root and she fell, resulting in her fur becoming drenched in the slush and nearly causing her to yelp in surprise. After barely managing to keep her voice down, she pulls herself back up and starts to brush the bits of detritus off of her fur, before hearing approaching steps and turning to see what was coming.

Seeing the red-furred wolf approaching, Aria blinked in surprise and started to hide behind the tree, not trusting the males of her species after her past experiences with them... That was until she saw the ornate hat on top of his head, and realized that he was probably the pack leader, which sparked a reaction in her resulting in the nervous Aria to get on her knees with her ears down and tail lowered in submission, as a precaution. She enjoyed being in this pack far better than being alone and having to find a new place to sleep each night. Looking ahead to the Kalona, she thought worriedly "Is this male like the last leader I had... if so I'm probably not going to come out a lucky..." but then she remembered how Ember had been relaxed and relatively happy so she pushed the fear into a back corner with some effort. She silently prayed that everything would end well, while she shifted and shivered more from fear than the cold.

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