pray we go unharmed

500+ words.

even in the darkness every color can be found

####If she had not had Haven to turn to, she did not really know what she would have done. It was more than likely that she would have gone down a path of self-destruction, though she did not know if it would have been alcohol, like it had been for Haven. Before her first encounter with the Knight, she would possibly never have been introduced to the substance at all. Ares had been incredibly unhappy with the bottle he had found, so maybe she would have never even tried a drink. Still, there were so many other ways one could slowly kill themselves or hurt others. If she really had to think of how it might have gone, Princess could only assume she would have travelled down a path of rage and pent-up anger. She could have even, eventually, turned into her mother. That would be enough to kill her, and she hated the idea.

####Sighing softly, Princess allowed some of the taught tension to flow out of her body, automatically slumping against him with more weight than before, no longer keeping herself worked up. Being with him was enough to draw the pain out of her. "You really are amazing, you know," she murmered, eyes closed against the world around them. The only things that she knew at that moment were the warmth flowing from Haven's body, the strength of his arms around her, and the steady beating of his heart. Princess did not want to lose this contact, this obvious connection. Coming to see Haven in her time of need was the best idea she'd had in weeks, it seemed. Nothing she did ever struck her as good and important, and very few things really were, but everything surrounding Haven was just that: important, amazing, and so very good. There was more she could ask for, but not now.

####The Dreamer could never ask Haven to explain his feelings thoroughly on this matter, simply because she knew that she would never be capable of truly understanding what he meant. When she was young, she had dreamed about having a proper family, a loving, good-natured family. Those dreams had faded out relatively quickly, though, and she had moved on to only wanting to move forward with herself. Maybe someday, she could have a family. . . A real, proper, happy, loving family. . . Maybe with Haven. No, she mentally chided, not wanting to think about that right now. She had feelings for him, and she knew they were mutual, even if she did not know what they meant, but she refused to think on such hope-producing levels. It was never a good place to be, because she could be let down so easily, even if she did not think Haven would be like that. He was so different from everyone she had ever known, so wonderful and caring.

####Just as she could never ask that, though, she could also never ask him to be the one to tell his mother and sister about Rio and her siblings. Princess believed that Mati and Anu both needed to know, but it should not be Haven's responsibility to tell them. His birth mother needed to step up to such a responsibility, but it seemed she was not mature enough to tell her children about their young siblings. Princess would not voice this, out of fear of offending Haven, but she thought it pathetic that Haven's birth mother had not told them. "You don't need to worry about it now. . . Things will just happen. I know you'll be a great brother, when you're ready," she said, a small smile forming. There was no doubt about that; he was too amazing to not be a great brother when he was ready.

Table by Miyu!

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