two out of three ain't bad
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500+ words.

#####There was nothing of importance in the house to Lolita, with the exception of the blood-stained carpet and the memories associated with it. Even though none of the blood was hers, there was a distinct smell to the dried substance that tied her to it, as well. It would serve as a reminder of what she had failed to do and what she was going to do again and again and again, drawing out the violence until she could no longer stand it and he would be dead. Though her initial thoughts had been angry ones, filled with hatred for her own weakness for not being able to kill him, those emotions were slowly being replaced by a perverted glee. Her uncle would get his eventually, but Lolita wanted to allow him to suffer and fear her more and more each day until he was practically begging her to kill him. Then, she would happily oblige, although it would not be without extreme ammounts of pain for the older male. He had brought her so much pain and deserved to feel it, too. Lolita ignored any thoughts that her uncle might have his own regrets and pains, choosing to focus solely upon her own. She hated him, and her brother. They should both die slowly, painfully, like a game. It was unlike the war ravishing the lands, and thinking of that made her very unhappy, chill and sexy Anselm and wisdom-filled Kaena entering her thoughts sadly. She couldn't hurt them.

#####She stiffened at the intruding voice, though she stayed where she was, keeping her emerald eyes closed against the world. It was, apparently, easy to not notice scent marking, though she had made them strong. Perhaps, then, this one thought that he did not need to pay attention to them since the house was not on claimed land. Taught stomach caved in on itself even more as she inhaled, then called out to the stranger invading her house (though not her home), "It depends on who wants to know." Though there was nothing of value in the house aside from her bag in the corner and the blood stains on the floor, Lolita was fairly certain she was not going to let someone come traipsing in to take anything that they pleased. She certainly wanted nothing to do with the human articles, but she was unwilling to give up the things in the house without a second thought. The house held too much meaning to her, a misture of hatred and love all bundled up between four main outer walls and quite a few inner walls, as well. Oversized shepherd ears perked forward, trying to listen from down the hallway to see what the stranger was planning to do or say. She was not afraid, though the scent was distinctly Inferni and she was Dahlian. This was her house, and she could always drop Anselm and Kaena's names if need be. Besides, she was not capable of dying again, so what was there to fear in the stranger from the clan?


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