River Deep, Mountain High
Blue eyes met with the other female's as the their two paths crossed again. Flayra had remembered when the two first met. It was a while ago, and she had the languages confused, ended up speaking Spanish, not Italian. The girl, since then, had read up on her Italian, along with her piano skills, so that maybe if she met the fae again, she could speak the proper language.

Stretching herself for preparation of the hunt, the girl looked upon the female before her. "Yes, I has been a while. Yes, I'd be glad to join the hunt with you." Feeling herself to be ready, she simply waited for the fae to be ready, but the girl still spoke a little for a bit of fun before the serious stuff. "Ho anche letto sul mio italiano," she spoke in good Italian, but she only knew some, so she might need some additional tutoring in the language.

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