she's the only one that makes me sad
"Poe." His voice came quietly, muffled to his own ears as the image of the past faded away. It had been to sudden perhaps, to direct or far to explicit. There wasn't really any other way for her to know, though. It had to be that way. It had to be that way if he wanted to share with her. He was sitting on a fallen tree then, his back to the onyx pixie, even as she tried to regain her composure. He could hear her breathing, a comforting sound, but he was unsure if it her in her own dream or if, somehow, it had been carried over through the dream from reality. Either way, at that very moment, he would accept whatever he could get.

"I'm sorry it had to be that way.." It wasn't often, if ever, that Hollow offered an apology for anything. For her though, anything for her. "I never got a chance to share anything with you..even though I always meant to." His voice was quieter than usual, more calm. Somber, perhaps. He'd gotten caught up in a rush of power, a whirlwind of madness, and he'd lost whatever chance that he'd had to know her. He turned then, hands bracing his weight as he swung his legs around to the other side of the fallen log. He was whole, just as she might remember him, not the ravaged hybrid that he'd been in his last few moment. He was silent as cold eyes found her form, wishing only to look at her for a few moments.


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