You know I'd do anything for you

awww :3

There was a longing inside that was slowly being eaten away, satisfied to the point of disappearing. A desire that was met in small pieces with each breath that they shared. Their slow gentle movements made the urge grow, pushed her further and ignited a heat in the older female that had been extinguished for far too long. In the past it had flickered to life, caressing her heart with its small flame. But the blaze had begun, a wild fire that Colibri had started ran through her veins and she felt the nerves of her skin fire with each strand of fur touched by the other female. With the slight twinge in the muscles of Colibi’s leg, Anu moved her hand down from the base of her tail to hold the back of her thigh. She was less tentative, finding the warmth of her fur and the burn of the skin below it. The hand that ran along her waist and hip brought her own spine to jump in a slight excited jolt, and Anu moved the leg she held to lay curved atop her own.

She heard the breathless cry, felt the racing pulse beneath her lips. They broke their dance along the soft furred neck, lifting to intake the breath that the woman desperately needed. Anu released her gentle hold of Coli’s slender leg, allowing it to find its way north as the other remained nestled against her back in attempt in joining them even closer. It moved to hold her face, softly to look into the vast sky that shown above her world.

In the past her heart bled, cracked and broken by those stronger then she. And then the two lovers met, and Anu felt the repair begin. In the past they had been so distant, wishing and pleading to be as they were this moment. Anu had hoped for her safety, poured her soul and all her purpose into making such a life possible. Colibri had scarified her home, her family, risked her life to give Anu everything that she ever desired. Blue eyes watched, listened as she worked to bring forth the reaction that came from her love. Her own heart raced, her breathing heated and quickened. Eyes met those of the woman that had scarified everything to be with her, broken down every defense and allowed herself to be exposed and her heart handled. Anu kissed her lips, sharing the air that each fought for and placed her hand between them, her palm resting against Coli’s stomach. Slowly, yet without hesitation, the female grazed her fingers downward towards the heat that radiated from her lover’s core.



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