and we all go the same way home
Those words caused a chasm in his heart and soul to open up. All of his sorrows and fears meant nothing when placed next to the beautiful woman he had pledged his very soul and essence to. She had turned him away, for whatever reason, and the faint glimmer of hope that she would someday return to him had kept him going. That she would come home to him gave him a driving force, and to hear her tears, to feel the sorrow from her heart - the very eyes he had sworn to keep dry, the very heart he swore to protect....Ulysses had never hated himself more. In all his days, he had never felt more contempt for his own being than he did currently.

His voice was thick with his own tears, and his wordes were little more than stones tossed into an endless well. "My Queen denied me....the night I was set to give myself to her, she ran away." He said softly, wanting to go to her, wanting nothing more than to wrap his strong arms around her and hold her until all her pain went away. But he was unworthy. He would not touch her with his filthy hands, the Goddess she was deserved more. "You deserve better anyways, than a lonely baird."

A low whine escaped his throat and he closed his eyes, a tear slipping down his cheek. "A bachelor I would rather remain for all my days than live my life without you."

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