River Deep, Mountain High

OOC Notes: WoD: Vitiate ~ To render ineffective.

Wc: 446

The two wolves almost seemed to be bowing to each other, an outside easily thinking that this was some secret rite that she-wolves performed upon meeting each other, or perhaps even beginning a hunt. This not being the case but a coincidence, The wolves of similar statue rolled shoulders, elongating limbs to revel in the stretch that stimulated them. For the Italian femme, limber limbs were called into motion, the muscles not immediately apparent until called into use.

Nodding now, her petite facial features bobbed up and down, mind already working out the logistics of the hunt. The two companions were roughly the same size, so that wouldn't affect too much... And Ghita highly doubted that the pair would be chasing something that would require large amounts of stamina and speed, so there was no need for an official formation. Minutely lifting her cranium to the air, Ghita attempted to scent out the nearest grouping of prey.

Unfortunately nothing resembling a useful scent sang to her nostrils, likely the fault of the ivory snow that had fallen earlier. An irritated huff expanded from her narrow chest, the fact settling in that they'd likely have to travel a distance before anything resembling prey could be reached.

Her focus was so intent that she nearly missed the words that tumbled out of Flayra's mouth. Ghita was fairly certain that her ears had never flew higher so quickly, the movement spurring a small amount of pain as the skin was tugged around her earrings as they jangled. A smile, unprecedented for so long in the pack graced her face, the joy that Ghita found in her home language eminent. The pronunciation could be improved, the grammar passable, but overall the woman was impressed that the language was starting to live again. "Ah! Stai molto bene finora! Quanto ne sai?"

Already she ran the risk of overwhelming the novice linguist, but Ghita couldn't contain her joy at hearing Italian once more. Blue eyes locked onto a similar pair, the shocking aspect of their hue vitiated once seen together. Her smaller than average tail began to thump against the back of her hind legs, her tail still set low but the movement visible from a distance.

Once the Italian conversation had dwindled into silence, the pair running out of words to exchange. Turning her optics towards the hunting grounds, Ghita swiveled her ears, once more calling her senses into employment in an attempt to locate prey that she could offer to the pack. Perhaps we should start moving? I can't scent many prey from here, and we don't have too lots light before night.


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