She’s like grace from the earth

How foolish, how careless she had been. A soft growl came to her throat as she pushed things in the cabinet around with her uninjured hand. Nothing, she thought as she looked for what she needed, she found nothing useful. What were all these thing needed for? A potato peeler sat in her hand for a prolonged moment, and the female wondered what it was for before throwing it to the back of the cupboard. Such useless things in place of rags and maybe some a bucket of water. Her pain and thoughts of tears had turned to anger and frustration. The blood was pooling in her palm, dripping on the floor and Mati silently cursed the fact that she would need to clean that to, all because of the careless daydreaming. Dreaming of what? She hastily questioned herself, her frustration rising as she found no answer. Another door slammed shut, and a soft voice broke her tirade. Violet eyes looked to find Cambria looking at her with a concerned gaze, a question on her tongue.

The wolfess held up her hands slightly, one holding the other in hopes of stopping the bleeding. She felt a heat rise to her cheeks as she explained,
“I cut myself.” The surprise of seeing the other wolfess, having likely been caught in her small hissy-fit and frantic search made the words of how she had cut herself get stuck in her throat. The anger had certainly been lost at the appearance of the other Dreamer, but Mati didn’t know what she could do about it. She hadn’t been able to find a thing that could be placed over it, and as Mati stood still the pain of the cut could not go unnoticed. The cringe came back to her face and she took her good hand away from the cut palm slowly, eyes fighting the command to look down at the gash.



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