she's the only one that makes me sad
He'd found this to be the only way to contact her now that Stygian was far from Bleeding Souls. He had found it out by chance, even. They'd had Conri for some time and it was the middle of the night when he found himself in the dreams of his first son. It had seemed like a long shot, trying to get to Poe in such a manner, but he'd decided to try no matter whether he failed miserably or not. And now here he was, facing the pitch black pixie. She found herself suddenly, saw him there, and it was as if nothing had happened at all. Arms were still on his legs where they rested, even as she came for him and threw her arms around him. He could've laughed then, a good chuckle, but he did have an image to uphold after all.

Finally he responded, hands finding their way from his legs to her waist, wrapping around to her back and dragging upwards until they rested near her shoulders. He leaned his head forward, resting the side of his head against hers, only just for a moment. "I missed you.." The words came, a whisper, and he smiled into her hair as it bounced across the top of his muzzle. There were other things he wanted to say, things that no one would have dreamed of hearing from him, but for the time he held his tongue, content enough with her in his arms. He moved his head finally, leaning back some so that he could look at her face. "Still playing dress-up or have you settled in to a style?"


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