Strawberry Fields

The sensations were all new him, but he wanted more. There was a feeling inside him that he couldn’t explain, something he’d never known had existed, but she was pulling it out from within him. He wanted her so much more than what he already had, and her caressing only intensified it. Running his hands along her frame, he traced her curves while kissing her neck, before a hand found her chest and lingered there for a moment.

Would this be the moment when Pilot would feel more close to anyone than he ever had? It was strange, how much he had grown since when he had first came to Storm. All these thoughts circled in his head for a moment, but then were blocked out by something else. A love for Dierdre. Or was it a newfound lust?

He let himself fall over her, gently guiding both down. The soft furs seemed to cradle them as Pilot let his hands greedily take in her form. A hand strayed to her thigh, and he found himself falling into the pleasure of each sensation.


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