Where do you go when you're blue?

Pilot slung the bag over his own shoulders as the two began their journey to the pack den. Though many had started to move back to their own dens, the large cave, where the entire pack had stayed while the avalanche had devastated the northeast, had become a familiar place for all the wolves to gather. To store these medicines there would be perfect, so that all members had access to it. He wondered how much and of what she had brought, since the bag had significant weight. Either way, he was grateful that she still had their wellbeing in mind.

"The pack den isn’t too far a walk from here. Thank you for dropping these off. I’m afraid it doesn’t seem as if Phoenix has fully recovered, so hopefully these new medicines will help him out. It’s almost as if he’s having some sort of a relapse." He was worried for his friend and leader, but Pilot had faith that it would just be a matter of time until he was good as new.

"Oh, yes. The apothecary. I wanted to ask you about that, Naniko. I was hoping that I might get some help from you. See, I wanted to try and become the apothecary for Storm, since it seems like we’re in a need for one. And after all, I don’t want to keep stealing you away from Clouded Tears", he joked with a smile, shifting the shoulder strap of the bag. He could already tell that they were drawing nearer, and it wouldn’t be too much longer until they could sort out the medicines in the pack den.
"I’ve already found a book in the city about some medicines that I’ve been reading about, but I was hoping you could offer some more advice."


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