Magic in december (m)

ooc.. Needing sex lol <3

Ayita was having fun dragging this on. She could tell by the way his body acted and the sound of his voice it was becoming a lot for him to handle. She had never been the dominant type. She had liked being forced being the one to be pushed around. But for once the older female felt she could take some form of lead.

Feeling his hand touch her face as he genitally urged her to look at him she smiled. He made her feel as though she was wanted as though she was the one he couldn't live without. Their loved had been secret from one another and it only made the two hearts fonder. The want, passion and care that drove the two together was all they would ever need. Mated for life no matter where life took them. They would face it together.

"My dear I am yours to have when ever you so like." She said. Her voice so smooth and full of kindness as it always was. She was one who had learned that the way she spoke could show emotion. No matter where she was she would always try to keep it smooth and kind. though she knew later on she'd be screaming his name in lust and love.



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