pray we go unharmed
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He was glad to feel her relax against him, the tension melting from her form. His arms held her closer to his chest, wanting to keep her safe and keep all the demons at bay. This would not be something she would recover from immediately and she at least deserved right now to be protected and at peace. Her sweet words made him blush, his tail patting lightly against the sofa. Haven wanted to find words to respond to her, but there were none he could think of. Humble as he was he couldn't find it in him to try and duck such a wonderful compliment from the girl he was falling in love with. Mind halted and his heart stopped for a moment at the realization that had come so easily he almost hadn't noticed it. He was falling in love with Princess. Real, true, strong love. Even stronger than that he had felt for Siobhan. His heart rate increased as the feelings flooded through him. Should he tell her? What if she didn't feel the same way? The last thing he wanted to do was to scare her off or ruin the tranquility she had found in his arms. Haven tried to quell the intensity of his emotions, waiting for the right time to give voice to them.

It was incredibly troubling to know that he had younger siblings that he had been unaware of until he had come face to face with one. There were even more that he hadn't seen. Why hadn't she told him? Even if she hadn't been able to tell him in person she should have at least sent word. It only made the feeling of replacement worse. It seemed she really didn't want him, just as he had feared after finding out about Conri Church and his crimes. He hoped that Rio wouldn't mention meeting him to Naniko for he really did not want to see her, at least not right now. Yet at the same time he hoped that he could be a part of his little brother and sister's lives. Rio had been such a sweet little girl and he had enjoyed his time with her, no matter how much of a shock it had been to him. It was yet another convoluted and messy situation for his family and quite honestly he was sick of such things. Why couldn't it all just be simple? "Yeah, I guess that'll be the best thing to do. Just let things happen. I worry too much sometimes, I think," he said with a hint of humor in his voice. He hadn't been much of a worrier as a child, but he had certainly grown up into one.


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