wrong words seem to rhyme

indent As Icarus’ blue eyes locked onto the yellow ones behind him, he felt uneasiness grow in his stomach. In a moment, the yellow gaze became a mere blur and Icarus raised his head in question. The swift movement of the stranger was enough to cause Icarus to stumble backwards. The door swung shut and clicked as it was bolted shut and then the two were left in the darkness with no other plausible way out. Icarus, who was still a month shy of shifting, would need the other in order to be able to open the door again. His only other escape route was perhaps a window, but that thought didn’t come to mind, since many were either cover by boards, debris, or were broken with glass shining up like razored teeth.

indent He could only blink his eyes in terror as he watched the form of the other move to the staircase. His eyes had adjusted to the light now, though everything was still much cast in those ghostly shadows. What now? What did this hybrid want with an innocent youth such as Icarus? "What are you playing at?!" He called out, furious because Andre had brought out a whole new definition of fear.


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