f*** the surgeon general's warning

The woman had a faintly familiar scent to him as well, though he didn't realize where it came from: he'd smelled her aroma on Cambria. But his mind was too crazed with everyday matters, as well as the anxiety that often plagued him; so he was unable to make the connection. It bothered him that he couldn't figure out why her smell was so vaguely recognizable. He didn't like being caught unawares. Kansas straightened his furrowed brow as the woman scooted over to offer him a seat beside her. He hesitated, wondering if he would regret spending his time with this strange fem, rather than seeking books as he'd set out to do. But as he strode awkwardly toward her and took a seat next to her, Kansas decided that it made no difference. His intention was to get his mind off things, and sharing company with a canine and her marijuana seemed almost better than going falling into the tranquil but daunting silence of the library. "Thanks," he returned, softly but genuinely.

He sat rather drawn up, his hands on his knees. She gave a name, and he was discouraged to find he had never heard it before. "Kansas Sadira," his words illustrated by a tendril of cigarette smoke. He flicked the half-smoked cigarette into the slushy earth, then almost cringed at himself for not offering to let her finish it. "Would you like one?" he asked as he pulled out the pack to show her. He didn't know how many of the population smoked, but giving something of oneself was good for getting to know someone else. Perhaps it was a passive-aggressive move, because the marijuana smelled absolutely exquisite, and that coupled with the contentedly dazed look in Lolita's eyes made him want a hit, or several. Maybe he thought that if she took a cigarette, she would allow him to smoke her weed. Wow; he barely knew her and already he was using her. It felt awful.


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