'cause i lost everything.

ooc-Hahaha, I was just skimming stuff and was all, OH WOW THREAD FOR ME YEY. XD Ur, Jan 30thish is fine, I keep very liquid time anyway :-p. Lol, Cerridwyn still hasn't come to terms with houses yet, she's gonna be all WTF WHY THERE IS SO MANY ;.;. ...Okay, I'm going ic now >>.
word count: 513


An exasperated breath blew from the tri-color canine's lips as she kicked through the deep snow, beads in her mane rustling, finding nothing of importance. She didn't hate winter -- at least, she told herself that, in the interest of loving all things that Danu had created -- but she did much prefer summer. The best herbs were to be found then, and much more easily, and she could find so many more random little knick-knacks when everything wasn't covered with snow.

She told herself that this was okay, her main goal for the day was supposed to be exploring her new home, after all. She had figured to start by circling around the edge of the territory, and make her way inwards. And so she made her way through, noticing with interest how the trees seemed to be getting thinner -- drastically thinner, not as they would naturally as one approached a coastline. The sight of the first dwelling didn't exactly stop her in her tracks; she had seen this before, after all, on the day Jefferson had found her on the coast and brought her to the cabin from which she'd pilfered her hip satchel. It was the sight of the second, then third, then fourth. They weren't crowded together by any means, but there were several of them, and they unsettled the Irish female. She wandered along the large path between the dwellings, looking back and forth at them. She noticed when she passed the boundary of the territory, but thought little of it. She'd continue on her route in a moment, what she wanted to do now was look at these buildings. Why were they so big? One didn't need so much room to survive. The only thing she could think of was that at one time perhaps many, many shifters (and this thought, the idea of shifters in the plural, still unsettled her) lived in this area and crowded together in these dwellings. They seemed mostly abandoned now, though. It was beginning to be a little overwhelming, all these new things she was being introduced to, and had she a less strong constitution, she very well might have succumbed to a panic attack on her second day here.

It was because the breeze was blowing at her back that she didn't see the grey wolf until she was quite solidly on her bottom in the snow. She had turned around and was walking backwards, looking at the houses and the odd path they created, when her foot hit a hidden patch of ice beneath the snow and she slipped, spinning in an odd half-circle when she tried to catch her balance. A squeal left her mouth unbidden and she blinked to be suddenly sitting. Catching a bit of movement out of her peripheral, her head snapped around to see the male -- another shifter, she thought, and wondered when this would quit catching her off guard -- ragged, lean, good-looking, and wearing leggings, which she did not understand at all. She smiled sheepishly up at him. "Er. Hi."

table credit titmouse


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